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產(chǎn)品型號(hào): 6220/2182A





e need for precision, low current sourcing. Device testing and characterization for today's very small and power-efficient electronics requires sourcing low current levels, which demands the use of a precision, low current source. Lower stimulus currents produce lower - and harder to measure - voltages across the device. Combining the Model 6220 DC Current Source or Model 6221 AC and DC Current Source with a Model 2182A Nanovoltmeter makes it possible to address both of these challenges.


Differential Conductance. Differential conductance measurements are among the most important and critical measurements made on non-linear tunneling devices and on low temperature devices. Mathematically, differential conductance is the derivative of a device's I-V curve. The Model 6220 or 6221, combined with the Model 2182A, is the industry's most complete solution for differential conductance measurements. Together, these instruments are also the fastest solution available, providing 10x the speed and significantly lower noise than other options. Data can be obtained in a single measurement pass, rather than by averaging the result of multiple sweeps, which is both time-consuming and prone to error. The Model 622X and Model 2182A are also easy to use because the combination can be treated as a single instrument. Their simple connections eliminate the isolation and noise current problems that plague other solutions.

Product Intro
  • Low Level Measurement and Sourcing Product Family Introduction
Product Tour
  • Models 6220 DC/6221AC And DC Precision Current Sources And Model 2182A Nanovoltmeter Demo
  • Low Current High Resistance on-line demo - 1 of 12
Product Demo
  • Nanotechnology Online Product Tour: Research to Production



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